What am I Looking and Listening For?

October 25th, 2022 by georgann

Here is a concise, user-friendly guide to field marks and songs of selected neotropical migrants nesting in Georgia

Eastern Wood-Pewee               whitish wingbars, no eye ring, yellow lower mandible

                                                does not wag tail.  “Pee-a-wee”

Wood Thrush                           plump, large round spots on breast and belly.  Flute-like song.

Prairie Warbler                         yellow underparts, 2 black face marks, black stripes down sides,

                                                bobs tail.  “zee zee zee zee” upscale in distinct notes.

Swainson’s Warbler                 brown, with solid rusty-brown crown.  High and low slurred notes.

                                                “Deeta, deeta, Whip-poor-will”, emphasis on “Whip-poor-will”.

Worm-eating Warbler               brownish with dark stripes on head.  Song is dry trill, similiar to

                                                  pine warbler.

Louisiana Waterthrush             brown, whitish eyebrow, striped underparts, white throat. 

                                                Slurred whistle ending in twitter, similiar to Swainson’s Warbler

                                                but ending trails off softly.

Acadian Flycatcher                  greenish with yellowish-white eyering.  Explosive “peet-suh”.

Yellow-throated Vireo              bright yellow throat, yellow spectacles, white wingbars.

                                                Song similiar to Red-eyed Vireo but burry and slower.

Hooded Warbler                     black hood around yellow face and forehead, white tail spots.  Female lacks strong hood.  “Weeta-weet-eo”.

Gray Catbird                            slate gray, black cap, rufous undertail.  Mewing call.

Black-throated Blue Warbler    upperparts blue, throat and sides black, white belly.  Female

                                                brownish-olive with small white wing patch.

                                                “Beer beer beer beer bee” wheezy, last note higher

Ovenbird                                  russet patch on crown bordered by dark stripes, walks on

                                                ground.  “Teach, teach, teach, teach” crescendo

Summer Tanager                     entire body red, no crest.  Female olive and yellow.

                                                “Chicki-tucki-tuck” call, song similiar to Robin’s but higher pitch.

Blue-winged Warbler               yellow face and underparts with black eye line, white wingbars

                                                on blue wings.  “Bee-bzzz”.

Prothonotary Warbler              head and chest golden yellow with bluish wings, no wingbars.

                                                “Zweet zweet zweet zweet” ringing.

Orchard Oriole                         rusty orange underparts with black head, wings and tail.  Female

                                                olive green, imm male olive green with black bib.  No wing bars.

                                                Song fast varied whistles downslurred at end, with chatter notes.

Chestnut-sided Warbler           yellow crown, chestnut sides, white underparts.  “Please, please

                                                please, to meet you!”


Golden-winged Warbler           black throat, yellow crown and wing patch, white underparts.

                                                “Bee bzz bzz bzz”.

Canada Warbler                       yellow underparts, black necklace, yellow spectacles.  Rich and

                                                variable warbler with sharp chip notes at beginning.

Black-throated Green Warbler yellow face with black throat, white wingbars.  Female less

                                                black.   “Zay zay zay zoo zee” wheezy.

Blackburnian Warbler              black face marking with bright orange throat.  High pitched

                                                song ends in barely audible notes.

Kentucky Warbler                    black moustache, yellow eye ring, yellow underparts.  “Churry,

                                                churry, churry” rolling.

Scarlet Tanager                        bright red with black wings and tail.  Female yellow-green.  Beak

                                                smaller than summer tanager.  Hoarse robin-like song, chip burr


Northern Parula                       yellow throat with bluish back, chestnut band across chest in

                                                male. “zeeeeeeee-up” buzzy upscale

Bachman’s Warbler                  face and belly yellow, throat and crown black.  “Bzz bzz bzz”

Painted Bunting                       blue head, greenish-yellow back, red underparts and rump. 

                                                Female greenish-yellow.  Rich and varied warble, sharp

                                                chip note.

Great Crested Flycatcher         olive head, gray throat, yellow belly.  “Wheep” loud, whistled


Yellow-throated Warbler          black and white on face, bright yellow throat, white belly.  Song

                                                clear, slurred, paired notes, ending in faster notes.

Yellow-billed Cuckoo               grayish-brown above, white below, yellow mandible, long tail

                                                 with white spots.  Rufous on wings when flying.

                                                 “Kuk kuk kuk”staccato ending with “kakakowlp-kowlp”.

White-eyed Vireo                     White eye, yellow spectacles, wingbars.  Song, “Quick with the

                                                beer check!”.

Birding Adventures, Inc.

Georgann Schmalz



[email protected]