Bird Song CDs

The ability to recognize birds by their voices is not only great fun but also perhaps the most useful field skill that a birder can master. Birds Songs of Georgia presents the songs of 143 of the most common Georgia birds that are found from the mountains of the north to the barrier islands of the coast. The instructional narration for each species` voice examines its physiographic location in Georgia, its habitat and voice mnemonics. Also included are 18 habitat tracks that provide a real life learning aid for helping the listener recognize and learn each song. Even experienced birders will enjoy identifying all the birds singing in their associated habitat.

Features of Bird Songs of Georgia

  • Introduction that describes the characteristics of bird voices to help you learn and remember them.
  • Each species has a track that describes the  physiographic region of Georgia, the bird’s habitat,  song characteristics or mnemonics.
  • Each song is on a separate track without  narrator’s voice.
  • Helpful mnemonics and phonetics of songs and calls are given.
  • `Sound alike` songs are recorded together to better compare and learn them.
  • A unique section of habitat tracks from 18 different locations across the state of Georgia.The birds in these habitats are identified on subsequent tracks so you can listen for and identify each bird.
  • Forty two page booklet describes songs, habitats and locations for each bird.

To order this collection with Paypal secure checkout, choose either digital download of mp3 files ($20) or a thumb drive ($25 including shipping and handling). The digital booklet is included with the digital download or thumb drives. If you purchase the digital version, you will receive an email with a link to download it.

Bird Songs of Georgia - Digital download - $20 

Bird Songs of Georgia - Thumb drive w/ booklet - $25 [wp_paypal button="buynow" name="Bird Songs of Georgia - Thumb drive w/ booklet" amount="25" undefined_quantity="1"]

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If you have questions, please contact Georgann Schmalz

Robin Peterson 5/08
“I wanted to let you know what a good time I`ve had with your CD that I bought. Disc 4 has been great fun and of course good learning. Some of the areas I`ve done pretty well on, others are dismal. Just reminds me how much work I need to do on a subject I thought I was getting fairly good at. Thanks for doing all the work it takes to put something like that together.”

Beth Giddens 2/1/08
At first, I counted more than nine birds in the group (sometimes 10 and sometimes 11) because I was mixing up the start and stop points of different birds. By the time I had spent about 30 minutes listening to the track over and over, I could get nine species and distinguish repeats, but that came after I had listened to most of the birds separately on CDs 1-3. So even this relatively easy exercise was a challenge. I got the Downy, Turkey, Cuckoo, and Gnatcatcher right away as very distinct, but I mixed up and over-counted warblers.

As for your second exercise of following the birds along in order of their songs. This process was also challenging. At first, I did not hear the Acadian Flycatcher at all. I could tell I was missing this bird, so I went to its single song track, which helped lots. But even after I familiarized myself with the fycatcher, I had to listen several times to really hear this one; he blended in with the warblers and waterthrush. I suppose that after I listened to the track about 15 times, I could follow the order with confidence that I was hearing each bird distinctly. I liked doing this; the process was like putting a puzzle together. And I think that if I repeat this process, I can really learn the songs.